Information for Educators
Educators play a significant role in the upliftment and transformation of our society. They bear the weight and responsibility of teaching, and, apart from parents, are the main source of knowledge and values for children.
As an Educator, you are expected to:
acknowledge the noble calling of your profession to educate and train the learners of our country;
acknowledge that the attitude, dedication, self-discipline, ideals, training and conduct of the teaching profession determine the quality of education in this country;
acknowledge, uphold and promote basic human rights, as embodied in the Constitution of South Africa;
commit yourself therefore to do all within your power, in the exercising of your professional duties, to act in accordance with the ideals of your profession, as expressed in the SACE Code of Professioanl Ethics; and
act in a proper and becoming way such that your behaviour does not bring the teaching profession into disrepute.
Click on the following links:
North West Education Department. Click here
Western Cape Education Portal. Click here
Grade 12 NSC Past papers and memo. Click here
SBA exemplars. Click here
Textbooks and Study guides. Click here​
Weekly lesson preparations. Click here
Professional Development. Click here